Hey, it’s me

I’m Kurt. Remember me? You may remember me for that blog post about going to Portland, OR. I intended there to be a part two. I even wrote it. Well, most of it.

I decided to let it linger into oblivion. Leave it on a cliffhanger like the end of season two of Twin Peaks. That is, until, well, you know, Twin Peaks came back. But still, much of those cliffhangers weren’t really addressed in Twin Peaks the Return. So maybe that’s how my trip to Portland will eventually pan out. 25 years from now, when no one expects it, I’ll release the second part. “That pizza you like is coming back into style,” is what I’ll say in a tweet, which in return will send my cult-like following into an excited uproar.

Just wait, you’ll see.

Otherwise, what have I been up to? Well, if you don’t follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, then you’d probably be under the impression that I’ve slipped away into the shadows, like so many bloggers tend to do after only a few weeks of trying to blog.

VIDEO BREAK — here’s my latest video:

In actuality, I’ve been really busy. I’ve had to shift my priorities a bit, and I made the choice to dial it back on writing in order to develop my video and content creation skills a bit better. After all, that’s where I think my strengths are.

I love writing, and I think I’m an alright writer, but if I had to hone in on what I’m naturally best at, and what comes naturally to me the most, it’s making videos and doing weird shit in front of a camera.

But back to what I’ve been up to: I was promoted at my job CITY Newspaper to the “digital editor (which really is just video producer and social media manager smashed into one),” so I’ve been creating 2-3 videos a week for them, on top of creating my own weekly videos on YouTube. And since my career has shifted heavily to social media management, I’ve been putting an extra emphasis on maintaining my own. I’ve been consistently posting and experimenting with different things, and then in return, apply those practices to CITY’s social media and so on.

It’s amazing. My career and hobbies are beginning to feed into one another, and for the first time in my life, propel each other. It’s all blending together, and it’s pretty wonderful.

My YouTube channel has become such an important part of my life. Something I didn’t really expect. I’m always trying to propel it forward while trying maintain authentic to me and my interests, and make sure I’m not making decisions to grow it faster, but rather have it develop as organically as possible. It’s easy to get caught up in its growth, its analytics, and trying to serve what I think my audience wants, while also trying to stay true to why I started it in the first place. And sometimes that’s all I need to do: to remind myself why I started doing it.

VIDEO BREAK — My friend Scott and I’s friendship nearly crumbled at the hands of a video game. So I documented our dramatic struggle and redemption.

When I started doing all this, the one thing I always emphasized is to just be as real with myself and everyone else as possible. I think I had a lot of success, too. But I also think I slip up, and overthink things, and that usually results in a fabricated version of who I am. The more you smooth things out and perfect something, the less it is inherently authentic to what made it special in the first place.

That said, I want to experiment more with editing my videos a little less, thinking less about what each video is going to be about, and be a little more one-on-one with the viewer.

Okay, that’s all I got in my this week. I hope you’re having a wonderful Monday. Here’s how I’m handling the day as I type:


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